
简介 目录 样张 更多
  • ISBN:978-7-119-12700-2
  • 作者:丁国声、张微、陶贵芳
  • 出版社:外文社
  • 适用层次:高等职业
  • 出版/修订日期:2024-01-01

本套教材依据教育部最新颁布的《高等职业教育专科英语课程标准(2021年版)》编写而成。本书为《新时代高职英语(基础模块)》第2册,包括7个单元,分别为Corporate Culture and Mission(精益求精,追求卓越)、Green Development(坚持绿色发展之道)、Volunteer Activities(致力公益,回馈社会)、Technological Development(用科技改变生活,用创新驱动发展)、Work Environment(新环境,新机遇,新挑战)、Intercultural Communication(感受文化差异,培养国际视野)、Cultural Confidence(坚定文化自信,传播中国文化),旨在将英语教学与高职学生的职业发展结合起来,帮助学生掌握高职基础英语阶段需要掌握的实用英语语言知识和交际技能。


Unit1  Corporate Culture and Mission

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  The Key to Huawei’s Success

Text B  Corporate Culture

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ  Tasks for Self-regulated Learning


Unit 2  Green Development

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  Environmental Protection Begins with Us

Text B  Going Green—What Is Good for the Planet Is Good for Business

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ  Tasks for Self-regulated Learning


Unit 3  Volunteer Activities

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  How Chinese Firms Fulfil Social Responsibility in the Fight Against COVID-19

Text B  My Volunteering Story

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ  Tasks for Self-regulated Learning


Unit 4  Technological Development

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  How Will We Live in 2045?

Text B  The Effects of Science and Technology Are Already Here

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ  Tasks for Self-regulated Learning


Unit 5  Work Environmen

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  What Is a Positive Work Environment

Text B  The Future of Work

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ Tasks for Self-regulated Learning


Unit 6  Intercultural Communication

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  Culture Clashes in the Workplace

Text B  Five Ways to Develop a Global Mindset

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ  Tasks for Self-regulated Learning


Unit 7  Cultural Confidence

Part Ⅰ  Warming up

Part Ⅱ  Listening & Speaking

Part Ⅲ  Reading

Text A  Why Should We Be Culturally Confident

Text B  Tell China’s Story to the World

Part Ⅳ  Writing

Part Ⅴ  Translation

Part Ⅵ  Having Fun

Part Ⅶ  Tasks for Self-regulated Learning



附录一  国际音标

附录二  语法

附录三  单词表

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