
简介 目录 样张 更多
  • ISBN:978-7-5684-1746-4
  • 作者:况守忠、朱晓博、陈斌蓉
  • 出版社:江苏大学
  • 适用层次:高等职业
  • 出版/修订日期:2024-07-01

本套教材依据教育部最新颁布的《高等职业教育专科英语课程标准(2021 年版)》编写而成。本书为《新时代职业英语》第1 册,对应高等职业教育专科英语课程基础模块的内容。本书包括6 个单元,分别为We’re Living in a New Age(我们生活在新时代)、Discover Your Dream Job(寻找梦想职业)、KnowYourself, Plan Your Career(认识自己,规划职业)、Fit into a New Workplace(适应新的工作环境)、Innovation Makes the Future(创新成就未来)、Cultivate a Craftsman’s Heart(精益求精,匠心传承),旨在将英语教学与高职学生的职业发展结合起来,帮助学生掌握高职英语基础阶段需要掌握的英语语言知识和交际技能。


Unit 1  We’re Living in a New Age

Part I  Lead-in

Part II  Getting to the Workplace

Dialogue 1  Introduce the Company to a New Intern

Dialogue 2  Take a Customer Around Shougang Park

Part III  Reading and Thinking

Text A  China’s Changes in a Foreigner’s Eyes

Text B  Bamu Achieved Her Dream with Government Help

Part IV  Applied Writing


Part V  Practical Translation

Differences Between English and Chinese Languages

Part VI  Exploring Culture

History of Chinese Animation

Part VII  “i+1” Activities

Explore How China Has Changed Since 1978


Unit 2  Discover Your Dream Job

Part I  Lead-in

Part II  Getting to the Workplace

Dialogue 1  Plan for Jobs after Graduation

Dialogue 2  Prepare for a Promising Career

Part III  Reading and Thinking

Text A  Vlogger: a Career I Love

Text B  Find a Job Maximizing Your Day-to-Day Happiness

Part IV  Applied Writing


Part V  Practical Translation

Conversion of Part of Speech

Part VI  Exploring Culture

Gap Year

Part VII  “i+1” Activities

Learn More about Your Dream Job


Unit 3  Know Yourself, Plan Your Career

Part I  Lead-in

Part II  Getting to the Workplace

Dialogue 1  Discuss Where to Land the First Job

Dialogue 2  Attend a Job Interview

Part III  Reading and Thinking

Text A  The Journey of Building a Career

Text B  How to Make a Career Plan

Part IV  Applied Writing

Job Application Letters

Part V  Practical Translation

Sentence Translation

Part VI  Exploring Culture

The Dual Training System in Germany

Part VII  “i+1” Activities

Know Yourself and Make a Career Plan


Unit 4  Fit into a New Workplace

Part I  Lead-in

Part II  Getting to the Workplace

Dialogue 1  Change to a Freer Work Environment

Dialogue 2  Learn to Work with Robots

Part III  Reading and Thinking

Text A  What Is a Positive Work Environment Like?

Text B  Changes in the Workforce

Part IV  Applied Writing


Part V  Practical Translation

Revision of Word and Sentence Order

Part VI  Exploring Culture


Part VII  “i+1” Activities

Hold a Debate on Whether AI is Beneficial to Human Development


Unit 5  Innovation Makes the Future

Part I  Lead-in

Part II  Getting to the Workplace

Dialogue 1  Start a Business

Dialogue 2  Work out a Creative Product Promotion Plan

Part III  Reading and Thinking

Text A  China’s “Sugar King” Goes Viral!

Text B  How to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset

Part IV  Applied Writing

Job Advertisement

Part V  Practical Translation

Text Translation

Part VI  Exploring Culture

The Secrets of Silicon Valley’s Innovation Culture

Part VII  “i+1” Activities

Persuade Some Investors to Invest in Your Business


Unit 6  Cultivate a Craftsman’s Heart

Part I  Lead-in

Part II  Getting to the Workplace

Dialogue 1  Congratulate the Employee of the Year

Dialogue 2  Try Your Best to Do Your Job Well

Part III  Reading and Thinking

Text A  Craftsman of the Nation

Text B  Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Part IV  Applied Writing

Business Advertisement

Part V  Practical Translation

Literal Translation and Free Translation

Part VI  Exploring Culture

Enchanting Dough Figurines

Part VII  “i+1” Activities

Tell a Story about a Craftsman


附录一  国际音标

附录二  语法

附录三  单词表

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