
简介 目录 样张 更多
  • ISBN:978-7-5656-8019-9
  • 作者:丁国声、李雪芹、刘娟音
  • 出版社:首都师大
  • 适用层次:高等教育
  • 出版/修订日期:2024-01-01

本套教材依据教育部2020年颁布的《大学英语教学指南(2020年版)》及职业本科和应用型本科公共英语课程特色编写而成。本书为《新时代大学英语——综合教程1》,全书共6个单元,分别为A New Adventure(坚定梦想,在新时代乘风破浪)、Everyone Is Unique(个性由我,成为最耀眼的主角)、Keeping Connected(拥抱关系,在与他人的交往中不断成长)、Staying Healthy(管理身心,做自己健康的第一责任人)、Getting More Done in Less Time(管理时间,把精力留给重要的事)、Making Your Career Plan(规划职业,为自己架起“成长之梯”)。


UNIT 1  A New Adventure  坚定梦想,在新时代乘风破浪


Listening and Speaking

Listen and Practice

Speak and Perform

Enjoy the Sound

Enriching Your Ideas

TextA  College Life: The Next Chapter!

Text B  What I Wish Someone Had Told Me Before College


Differences Between English and Chinese Languages

How to Write

Write an Introduction About Yourself

Vocational Focus

What Are Your Solutions?

Self-Regulated Learning

The Things I Will Do on Campus—Make a Semester Plan

Chinese Wisdom

Jixia Academy


My Self-Assessment Report


UNIT 2  Everyone Is Unique  个性由我,成为最耀眼的主角


Listening and Speaking

Listen and Practice

Speak and Perform

Enjoy the Sound

Enriching Your Ideas

Text A  It's Okay to Be Different and to Embrace Your Uniqueness

Text B  Is Being Unique Better than Being Perfect?


Character Description Translation

How to Write

Write an Essay on Learning to Appreciate Others

Vocational Focus

Find Your Career Fit

Self-Regulated Learning

Find the Shining Self—Praise Your Classmates and Yourself

Chinese Wisdom

Su Shi


My Self-Assessment Report


UNIT 3  Keeping Connected  拥抱关系,在与他人的交往中不断成长


Listening and Speaking

Listen and Practice

Speak and Perform

Enjoy the Sound

Enriching Your Ideas

Text A  My Friend Sam

Text B  Navigating Relationship Challenges: A Journey of Growth and Resolution in the Workplace


Business Card Translation

How to Write

Write a Letter of Thanks to Your Friends

Vocational Focus

How to Be a Skillful Communicator

Self-Regulated Learning

How to Foster Good Interpersonal Relationships—Put on a Short Role-Play

Chinese Wisdom

The Analects of Confucius


My Self-Assessment Report


UNIT 4  Staying Healthy  管理身心,做自己健康的第一责任人


Listening and Speaking

Listen and Practice

Speak and Perform

Enjoy the Sound

Enriching Your Ideas

Text A  Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone and Reap the Benefits of Physical Activity

Text B  The Traditional Chinese Style of Self-Care


Idiom Translation

How to Write

Write an Essay on the Benefits Sports Bring Us

Vocational Focus

Cope with Mood

Self-Regulated Learning

Develop Healthy Habits for a Healthier Life

Chinese Wisdom

Tai Chi


My Self-Assessment Report


UNIT 5  Getting More Done in Less Time  管理时间,把精力留给重要的事


Listening and Speaking

Listen and Practice

Speak and Perform

Enjoy the Sound

Enriching Your Ideas

Text A  Lines as Learning Moments: Unleashing the Power of Waiting

Text B  Is the Jar of Your Time Full?


Time Expression Translation

How to Write

Write a Memo

Vocational Focus

First Things First

Self-Regulated Learning

Daily Attendance: Manage Time Efficiently

Chinese Wisdom

The 24 Solar Terms


My Self-Assessment Report


UNIT 6  Making Your Career Plan  规划职业,为自己架起“成长之梯”


Listening and Speaking

Listen and Practice

Speak and Perform

Enjoy the Sound

Enriching Your Ideas

Text A  My Story of Turning Passion into a Career

Text B  Starting Your Career Journey as a College Freshman


Organization Name Translation

How to Write

Write an Essay on College Students’ Part-Time Jobs

Vocational Focus

Leader or Expert, What Do You Want to Become?

Self-Regulated Learning

Know Yourself and Make a Career Plan

Chinese Wisdom

The Art of War


My Self-Assessment Report



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